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See khymtft's Twitch channel

Bag size change

  • 1 cost: 22 -> 30
  • 2 cost: 20 -> 25
  • 3 cost: 17 -> 18
  • 4 cost: unchanged (10)
  • 5 cost: unchanged (9)

Leveling cost change

  • Level 8: 80 -> 76 exp
  • Level 9: 80 -> 76 exp

Monsters change

All monsters are buffed except Krug (because they are already strong). Be careful when playing lose streak!

New mana mechanics

Mana gained above max mana will be stored for the next cast (not being mana-locked)

For example a champion with 40 mana holding Shojin restores 45 mana after 3 hits, after casting a skill her mana bar will set to 5/40 for the next cast


New TFT mechanics: Charm

Give you unique power for each round:

  • A charm is shown every 2 shop rerolls
  • You can only buy 1 charm for each combat
  • Charms are more impactful and cost more later

Items rework!


Traits web (from TFT coaching)

Utility cheat sheet (Credit: paypaul_)


14.14 Tier list from YBY1

For who still want to play set 11

S Tier:

  • Garen Hero Guide
  • Sage Lux & Janna Guide
  • Reaper Yone Guide
  • Keeper/Duelist emblem Lee Sin Guide
  • Mythic EMBLEM Annie Guide
  • Inkshadow EMBLEM Kai'Sa Guide
  • Trickshot Kai'Sa Guide
  • Dragonlord Irelia Guide
  • Storyweaver/Call to Adventure Kayle Guide

A Tier:

B Tier:

C Tier:


Amulet of Ascension
Amulet of Ascension
  • Origins: Arcana, Chrono, Dragon, Eldritch, Faerie, Frost, Honeymancy, Portal, Pyro, Sugarcraft and Witchcraft
  • Classes: Bastion, Blaster, Hunter, Incantor, Mage, Multistriker, Preserver, Shapeshifter, Scholar, Vanguard and Warrior
  • Unique traits: Ascendant, Druid, Explorer, Ravenous and Bat queen