How to use it well Spatula in Set 3.5


Spatula Blademaster

There are two characters that use this Spatula well:

  • Vayne
  • Zed

In the case of Zed, there is only one way because without Blademaster he is completely playable at level 6, we want to roll him to 3 star, it is best to add a healing item to him, i.e. Hand Of Justice or BT, and a hidden item, i.e. Infinity Edge, instead it can be QQs, which in this meta it's super good

It's easier on Vayne because she's very strong even without Spatula, so you can play her anytime, so when you have Blademaster you can give it, it's best to have a strict AD Item on her because she doesn't use Quinsoo's very well, it's an illusory item.

Spatula Star Guardian

This is where it gets more interesting because Star Guardian has been added to a carry such as:

  • Jhin
  • Jinx

exactly the "Paragon" feature gives us Inevitable Damage, you could say Spatula True Damage in set 10 only better but there is one catch, for it to work you have to add Janna and activate it with Soraka 3x Star Guardian practically increases our DMG by about 7k in each fight, apart from the fact that Jhin normally drinks about 16k in each round. Jinx is stronger as a unit here, but the overall composition under Teemo & Jhin is fundamentally stronger


Spatula Infliltrator

In this case, we have two good choices:

  • Irelia
  • Urgot

When it comes to the Carry character, Irelia is in a very similar situation to Vayne, we play her anyway under Cybernatic, but by adding Infinity and Inflitrator we increase her potential by 100%, the feature itself is activated thanks to Ekko

With a character like Urgot it is more interesting because we don't even have to activate the feature 2x, but if we get Spatula from the round for free or we can fold and we have him in two, he will jump to the back and eat the opponent's Carry character in 99% of cases


Spatula Protector

The most flexible and strongest Spatula available in the game, it can be used on:

  • Shaco
  • Aurelion Sol
  • Mech

When it comes to the greatest potential, you have him on Aurelion Sol, when you put Spatula on him and you have him on two, he is practically unkillable, but either you play 2x protector or 6x (4x is not profitable) instead of 2x protector, it is better to put something better simply.

Protector on Shaco is my favorite, as his Q gets 30% omnivamp and BT and about 50%, rather here we play max 2x Protector and some nice units, you can even play it temporarily to get to lvl 9 and then simply change it to a better holder, which is Aurelion Sol

And here's something seriously fucked up. By maxing out the Celestial and Protector traits, giving QQs and Hand Of Justice, he is completely unkillable + he heals a lot, which is a lot, which is funny when you also have, for example, the Jeweled augment, i.e. 15% of which you use him to the fullest + additionally some Viktor carry and it's over


Spatula Rebel

You only really benefit from:

  • Gangplank

When playing Rebel at 6x + Jinx Carry, you always want to add Gangplank as a Second Carry, even without Spatul, so instead of one carry item, put it on him. Rebel causes him to cast the ult, probably 2x times. Having him at 2 star (+ all the additions to him) is 10 times more useful.

Spatula Battlecast

The only thing that comes to my mind is that with this Spatula we have much greater potential for Reroll Battlecast, so when we have level 7, we already activate 6x, we do not need to look for Urgot at level 8, which often turns out to be impossible, and as you well know, the transition between Battlecast 4 and 6 is huge, even required to achieve something


Spatula Dark Star

as above

The only thing that comes to my mind is that with this Spatula we have much greater potential for Reroll Dark Star, so when we have level 7, we already activate 6x, we do not need to look for Xerath at level 8, which often turns out to be impossible, and as you well know, the transition between Dark Star 4 and 6 is huge, even required to achieve something


Spatula Celestial

You probably never use this Spatula, but I found a potential for it, i.e. Xin Zhao Full Healing with 5x Protector and 6x Celestial (thanks to Spatula) can be unkillable