
Place Voidspawn around Lissandra

Highlighted Synergies
- Heavenly gives stat to all allies, including Voidspawn from Zz'Rot Portal
- Voidspawn also fix frontline problem of vertical Heavenly (no high cost tank unit)
- Lissandra prints items for Fine Vintage and benefits from Heavenly defensive stat
Early game

Heavenly is versatile in early game and can play with anything. Personally I prefer this version because it's easier to flex into other comps
Slowly slam Morgana items, and redundant turns to Support items. If you got lots of Zz'Rot in early game, just play with Heavenly only
Otherwise keep other Heavenly on the bench, we need all of them at lv 8
This team has an excellent frontline that can hold the fight long enough for stacking items like AS
Lv 8

Zz'Rot Portal is the top priority for support items because Heavenly gives stat to the whole team, including Voidspawns.
Then pick any tank support items you have Aegis/Randuin > Locket > Virtue/Big gem > others (Zeke and Chalice aren't weak, it just hard to positioning with others)
4 Zz'Rots are the maximum, if you go higher your frontline doesn't have enough space, balance between it and Aegis/Randuin
Lv 9

Move items to 2* Hwei
This comp can play with any ranged 5 cost carry (Irelia/Azir) but Hwei and Lissandra are well-synergized:
- Liss utilizes defensive stats from Heavenly and also her cast makes more items
- Hwei Dmg might be less than Irelia but aoe healing on high AR/MR unit is so valuable

Positioning with Zeke